AltME Downloads
1. Click your system below to start downloading:
Release Versions |
Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, System 7)
Improved installation on Vista and System 7. |
0.8 MB
1.2.26 Aug-2010
Microsoft Windows (Older Windows systems)
Current released version. |
0.8 MB
1.2.21 Jan-2010
Beta Versions with File Sharing |
Macintosh OS X (Intel)
Note: to install, use the "Run from current location option". |
0.7 MB |
BETA 1.2.21
Macintosh OS X (PPC)
Note: to install, use the "Run from current location option." |
0.7 MB |
BETA 1.2.21
Linux x86 libc6
Beta test version. |
0.7 MB
BETA 1.2.21
2. Save the download file to any folder, then click the
"run" or "open" option to install it.
3. If you have AltME already running, close it before you install the new one!
More help is available.
A Helpful Download Tip:
If you are using Internet Explorer, you can speed-up installation by
running AltME directly from the browser. Just click on the Run

Then, click Yes in the security window to start installing:
