AltME Safeworlds - Secure Worldwide Collaboration

AltME Beta Releases


Before You Download, Read This:
How to Download and Install
Returning to Normal
Using AltME on OSX
      Special Notes


Advanced AltME users are invited to try newer versions of AltME that have yet to be released to the general public. These are provided as "beta" releases - meaning that they are still being tested.


  • 1-June: AltME 1.2.3 - Fixes 95% of the bugs submitted to our feedback system.
  • 24-May: AltME 1.2.2 - Fixes problem with server startup, alt-click. Also adds file download confirmation, and more.
  • 16-May: AltME 1.2.1 - Fixes and enhancements. Uses new REBOL SDK 2.6.2. Also adds a pulldown menu for quickly changing worlds.
  • 16-March: Beta version for Debian Linux 3.1 is now available. See below.

  • 8-March: Beta version 1.1.27 adds file history archiving. Note that you must restart your world server to take advantage of this change.

Before You Download, Read This:

Before downloading and using AltME beta versions, it is important to know:

  1. The AltME splash screen will appear in red.
    This is to tell you that you are running the beta release. You will also see the words BETA TEST RELEASE.

  2. Both your AltME world server and clients need to be updated.
    They both must be running the newer code. If you only use the newer client, but not a newer world server, you will see very few changes.

  3. Worldmasters: you must restart your world!
    If you are a worldmaster and run your own AltME World server, new updates will require a restart of your World. If you have a hosted account with us, we will do that automatically for you. If not, you should restart your AltME Server every time you are notified of an update, just to be sure you are using the latest changes.

  4. Newly added features are sometimes "buggy".
    That is, they do not always work as expected and we continue to work at improving them every day. Test this AltME at your own risk.

  5. The beta versions automatically update.
    When you restart AltME, you will see a message that changes have been made. You should always use the most recent version to avoid finding older bugs that have been fixed.

  6. Please tell us about problems.
    The easiest way to contact us is to go to the Help button on the AltME main menu, then click the "Send us Feedback" button.

How to Download and Install

You can download the AltME beta V1.1.24 by clicking this link:

AltME Beta for MS Windows

AltME Beta for Apple OSX (See note below.)

AltME Beta for Debian Linux 3.1 X86

AltME Beta for Debian Linux on PPC

Just run the program to get started.

If you install the AltME beta, it will replace your older version of AltME. But, if you do not want to do that, you can run your newer version of AltME by itself. When you run it, the installer panel will ask if you want to "Run from current location". Click that option. Altme will then keep all of its files in folders that are at the same folder location as the AltME beta program itself. The AltME beta will not interfere with your older version of AltME.

Note that after you install the AltME beta, it may also inform you that new updates have been made. That is expected.

Returning to Normal

When the beta has completed its testing period, you will automatically be updated to the final release version of AltME.

If before that time, you want to stop using the AltME beta, you can uninstall it and return to using your older version of AltME. It is safe to completely uninstall and re-install AltME. It will not delete any of your world files (only you are allowed to do that).

Using AltME on OSX

When you download using a web browser like Safari, it should automatically unzip and untar AltME. Then, you can click on the icon to run it. When the installer pops up, select the Run from Current Location option.

This version of AltME should also be able to run Worlds as a server. Try it out!

If your browser does not extract the file, you can use the OSX Terminal program and type the line below to extract the file:

tar -xzf altme-osx-beta.tar.gz

Then CD (change directory) to the altme-osx-beta directory and type:


When the installer pops up, select the Run from Current Location option. That will store all AltME files in the same directory as the program.

Special Notes

AltME for OSX was built on a special pre-release test version of REBOL SDK (the system that powers AltME). It is quite usable; however, there are a few known problems in this test release:

  1. The program is not an OSX bundle. You run it as a single program file.
  2. The program requires the OSX Terminal. On some systems it will start by clicking on the icon; however, you may need to start it from the terminal shell.
  3. When prompted to install, use the "run from the current location" option.
  4. Users have reported that the main window may get "stuck" at the top. We are not sure what causes this problem, but we have been told that if you minimize the Terminal window, it will work.
  5. Sound features are not operating at this time.
  6. Some file launch features (clicking on an icon) may not be working quite yet.

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