Prior Update Notices...
Click here to see: Currently What's New in AltME
1. Version 1.2
2. Version 1.1 - Special Test Version
3. Version 1.0
1. Version 1.2
1.2.12 1-Feb-2007
- Special update for Apple Mac OS X systems
1.2.11 31-Jan-2007
- Group controls implemented
The ability for a user to create, delete, or change a group can now
be controlled. The worldmaster can enable or disable this capability
for specific users.
To fully enable this change, you must restart your server with this latest release.
- File sharing control over users
The "File Sharing" setting for user accounts is now implemented. A
world master can enable or disable file sharing for specific users. If
file sharing is disabled, the user will be informed when the go click on
the file sharing application icon.
To fully enable this change, you must restart your server with this latest release.
- Restrictions added to private folder sharing
It is no longer possible to create a public folder inside a private folder.
Now, when you create a new folder in a private folder it will also be private.
You can only share the new folder with the same group or a specific user in
that group, but not with other users.
- Increased file sizes
Due to user demand, the limit has been increased to 6MB. The reason
for this limit is somewhat complicated, and we hope to remove the limit altogether.
- Server clock check
If the clock is wrong on your AltME server, all new messages and files will
show the wrong time. In addition, file status (colors) may not show correctly.
You need to keep the server clock up to date. (We have no control over that.)
Your worldmaster will now be alerted if your server clock is off by more than
30 seconds.
- World name in popup window titles
Windows (popups and requestors) will now identify their AltME World
(in the window caption box at the top). This makes it less confusing when
you are running more than one AltME at the same time.
- Support for multiple monitors (screens)
When using a computer with multiple monitors, windows, popups,
and requestors will be shown on the same monitor screen as the main
AltME application window.
- Location for RMD HTML files
The way that .html files are created from .rmd files (REBOL MakeDoc)
has changed. The auto-generated HTML files are now stored in a directory
called .temp-html within your current folder. This prevents cluttering
your current folder with the auto-generated .html files.
- Fixed bug in share list
When specifying a private folder or other private items the last
user or group is put at the top of the list. A bug caused the same use
or group to be listed more than once. This has been fixed.
- Force AltME to close
The close box on the main AltME window now forces AltME to quit,
even if a dialog box is open. This change prevents the confusing
situation where a dialog box may be hidden, and to the user, AltME seems
to be hung.
- AltME closing message
A popup message has been added to help show when AltME is closing.
- File size display
Files less than 1024 show as "bytes" with no decimal point.
- Folder history reset on world change
Fixes bug in folder history when changing worlds.
- Reset folder scroll bar
When changing between folders, the scroll bar now resets to top.
1.2.10 25-Jan-2007
- Users can save file sharing options (e.g. show local files).
A user can set different options for different worlds.
- New file option: Do not auto-download files.
Turns off the auto-download feature.
But, folders will still show your current file information,
and you can click a file to download it when you need it (download on demand).
- New file option: Auto download all files without asking.
Never ask. Just assumes you always want them downloaded.
Useful if you go offline a lot and want local files always up-to-date.
- Keep current file folder.
When switching to and from file sharing from other AltME applications, don't go back to the top folder, keep the current folder open.
If you want to quickly return to the top folder, click the Folder App icon again when the folder is already shown.
- Removed double download request.
It only asks once now (per change in file sharing status).
- Improved AltME Update Dialog provides a link to this web page.
1.2.9 16-Oct-2006
- Fixes problem with sending of email messages
1.2.8 29-Aug-2006
- Right-click (alt-click) for cut and paste
- Improved installation problem messages (when admin permissions needed)
1.2.7 29-Aug-2006
- Fixes a problem in error message reporting
- Adds the world name to calendar window title
- Fixes update-chap-app problem
1.2.6 28-Aug-2006
- Fixes calendar focus bug (when you click on calendar, then click back to send
a chat message.)
- Fixes display of calendar event color (when one has been set).
- Fixes auto-update bug.
1.2.5 26-June-2006
- Official file sharing release.
1.2.2 May-2006
Beta release of AltME. If you are using this version, you will be
informed that it must be updated. However, to get the update, you must
download a newer version from our website. AltME will not auto-download
the newer version.
2. Version 1.1 - Special Test Version
1.1.27 March-2006
- Adds file history and archiving (you must restart your server to use this).
- Adds confirmation requestor to calendar event deletion.
1.1.* February-2006
- Adds file sharing to AltME.
- Public and private folders are supported.
- Shows who made last modifications and when.
3. Version 1.0
1.0.1 1-June-2004
Final 1.0 release.