AltME AltME User Guide - Reference
Updated: 8-Jan-2010

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Shortcut Key Summary

In many AltME windows the following shortcut keys are allowed:

 ESCAPEclose an information or requestor window.
 CTRL-Ncreate a new item.
 CTRL-Ssave or send an item.

In the AltME main window:

 CTRL-Qwill immediately quit the AltME program.

When editing text fields and areas, these keys are available:

 CTRL-Aselect all text in a field or area.
 CTRL-Ccopy selected text to the clipboard, and if there is no selection, copy the entire text field to the clipboard.
 CTRL-Tclear text from cursor to its end (think T for terminate).
 CTRL-Vpast clipboard text into the current text area.
 CTRL-Xcut and copy selected text to clipboard, and if there is no selection, cut and copy the entire text to the clipboard.
 CTRL-BACKSPACEdelete back a word.
 CTRL-FORWARD-ARROWmove forward a word.
 CTRL-BACK-ARROWmove back a word.

Directories and Files

AltME uses the following directories and files in the installation location.


These files are only used by AltME and they are essential to the proper operation of AltME. Modifying any of these files could lead to the improper operation or total failure of AltME.

If the files are in the Worlds Directory (worlds that you have visited), you can generally delete any and all of the files and directories, and AltME will replace them automatically the next time you visit that world.

However, if the files are in the Servers directory (worlds that you have created), modifying or deleting the files or directories will destroy those worlds, or at least cause them to malfunction in a big way. Do so only if you no longer want to use those worlds.

Note that destroying a world by deleting its files does not delete the files from the computers of people who have visited that world, nor does it free your world name for others to use. If you paid to keep your world name safe, then you don't need to run your world in order to keep your name (until it expires at least).


 PrefsFiles related to your preference settings for all worlds.
 ServersA group of folders, one for each world that you started.
 WorldsA group of folders, one per each world that you have visited.
 VersionsOlder versions of AltME that were downloaded. You can delete these files at any time.

In addition, each world will also include these directories:

 ChatHolds files related to chat messages from users and groups.
 ListsHolds files related to checklists.


 config.txtAltME configuration settings. You are allowed to edit this file. But, if you make an error, AltME may overwrite the file with a correct version.
 log.txtA log file that can be used for monitoring and debugging. You may delete this file whenever you want. Note that this file can get very large very quickly, depending on logging options. If you view the file, and it is larger than 10 MB, it is recommended that you use an editor that is better than Notepad.
 registry.*Stores important synchronization information. Do not modify these files, or your AltME may fail to work correctly.
 stateStores important AltME state information. Do not try to modify this file.
 users.*Stores user information. Do not modify these files, or your AltME may fail to work correctly.

SafeWorlds reserves the right to modify the format of these files with future updates to AltME.

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AltME is a trademark of SafeWorlds, Inc.

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